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Seoul | Our local alumni receive the visit of 140 students from the GETT and EMBA programmes!

Actu du Réseau



On Tuesday, January 22nd, alumni Stéphane LAGUT (EDHEC GRANDE ECOLE, 1990), Partner at EY Korea, President of EDHEC Charity trust and Jonghyun SHIN (MBA, 2007) Business Development Director, Shareholder at PGS Global, Seoul EDHEC Alumni Ambassador, met 50 students from the new Master in Management, Global Economic Transformation & Technology (GETT) and the 90 students from the executive MBA during a friendly afterwork at OG Sneakers Gallery Bar.


Thank you to Shana Perusini-Lambert and Paul Pelissier the GETT class delegates and Solène Joulin and Vianney Thery EMBA class delegates for the organisation and  the very interesting experience sharing in a casual atmosphere.





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