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Sacha Poignonnec, EDHEC of the Year 2018, co-CEO of Jumia the 1st African unicorn are starring in McKinsey's new issue on Africa!

Inspiration Business



Consumers in Africa want the same thing as consumers everywhere else: they want good products at a good price, good quality.
Sacha Poignonnec, cofounder and co-CEO of Jumia, Africa's largest internet group.

Sacha, EDHEC Master 2002, who was elected EDHEC of the Year in 2018, and Jumia Group the first African unicorn he co-founded are starring in McKinsey’s new issue on Africa’s business revolution !

"I am very bullish on the future of e-commerce in Africa because what's unique on the continent is a very big population of over one billion people and they are very connected. There are more than 400 millions internet users in Africa which is the second largest internet user population on the planet, just after China."

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