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OTHERWISE is back! Discover the new issue “A world of active learning”

Inspiration Business



Discover the new issue “A world of active learning” now available on our 5 campuses and online

EDHEC is pleased to announce the release of Otherwise #6, the EDHEC Business magazine. Launched in 2014 and exclusively in English, Otherwise offers an original and committed perspective on the economic, managerial and entrepreneurial issues of our society. Its signature "New ways for economy and business" shows our ambition: to transmit knowledge and enable public debate to be useful to the economy.

Since its launch, Otherwise has been rewarded by the “Trophées de la Communication” in 2014 (best information magazine), in 2015 by the “Grands Prix Stratégies” (external editorial communication) and in 2017, EDHEC received the honorary award of “Grands Prix Communication & Entreprise”.

Otherwise now has 14,000 subscribers and is available on our five campuses and online on our website.

We count on you to share it with your privileged contacts! Feel free to contact the corporate communications team at
Warm thanks to our contributors: Faculty, Students, Alumni and Friends of EDHEC!

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