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Next EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance information sessions taking place in Hong Kong, New York, Singapore...

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Since 2008, EDHEC-Risk Institute has been offering a unique PhD in Finance programme to elite practitioners who aspire to higher intellectual levels and aim to redefine the investment banking and asset management industries. Drawing its faculty from the world’s best universities and enjoying the support of a leader in applied financial research, the EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance creates an extraordinary platform for professional development and industry innovation.

Following the fall information sessions held in Europe, Asia and the US, the forthcoming presentations which will be held at the following locations:

  • Hong Kong, 30 March
  • New York, 8 April
  • Singapore, 29 April
  • Vienna, 4 May
  • London, 11 May
  • Paris, 18 May

Over the rest of the 2009/2010 academic year, information sessions and interviews will be organised in Amsterdam, Sydney, Shanghai, Seoul, Stockholm, San Francisco, and Melbourne.

Click here for more information

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