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Meet EDHEC Business School at a Fair near you: FALL 2009




EDHEC Business School will be attending the following Fall 2009 fairs:
-    The Campus France Nordic Tour
o    Copenhagen on the 16th November 2009
o    Stockholm on the 19th November 2009
o    Helsinki on the 20th November 2009

-    The QS World Grad Tour India
o    Pune on the 27th November 2009
o    Delhi on the 29th November 2009
o    Mumbai on the 1st December 2009
o    Hyderabad on the 4th December 2009
o    Bangalore on the 6th December 2009
o    Chennai on the 8th December 2009

To meet motivated candidates who are in an advanced stage of their application to any of our 2010 programmes:
-    Master in Management programme with its new Financial Economics Track and Business Management Track

-    Master of Science programmes in:
o    Finance
o    Corporate Finance
o    Capital Markets
o    Risk & Asset Management
o    Management Control
o    Marketing Management
o    Legal and Tax Management
o    Arts & NGOs Management
o    Entrepreneurship
o    Strategy & Organisation Consultancy

-    EDHEC MBA programme
-    PhD in Finance programme

EDHEC Alumni are the School’s best Ambassadors and as such, the International Admissions’ Team traditionally welcomes one of more EDHEC graduates to promote the School. If you wish to assist EDHEC Business School in answering students’ questions on our future programmes or life in France, please contact:
Jeremy Hubert for the Nordic Tour:
Angelique Miconnet for the Indian Tour:

Looking forward to seeing you!
The International Admissions Team


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