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KETCH-UP: The Networking Project @ EDHEC




Who are you?

We’re Shubhayan, Nidhin, Linton & Lina – a team of four international students currently enrolled in the MiM program at EDHEC.


Can you explain in a few words how your project began? (team, origin and originality of the project)

Starting our studies at EDHEC fully virtual, most students have realized pretty quickly that they’re missing out on one essential element of studying at a business school – networking. What started as a brainstorming session soon became a larger project and thanks to the support of many other parties within EDHEC like the team of Sébastien Dieuaide, M1 Programme Director and the International Student Office, we’ve now officially rolled out KETCH-UP EDHEC-wide. The main goal is for KETCH-UP to serve as the accelerator between all different stakeholders within the EDHEC environment, allowing them to find like-minded people and connect through different kinds of events. Basically, we’re trying to tear down the virtual barrier of networking with the help of our platform but also while growing network of KETCH-UP promoters, which we call “sparks, people who spark meaningful connections themselves.

What is your first assessment of this adventure?

Switching our networking efforts into the virtual world is harder than we thought. After running a couple pilots and hosting the first events, we’ve learned that despite all efforts there is still a big barrier for people to play an active role in the virtual community. Communication works differently through cameras than face-to-face, it also works differently cross cultures, and the fact that you don’t just accidently run into someone virtually as you might in person, shows that virtual networking requires much more efforts than we’re used to. At the end it is probably much more of a cultural change than just a change of IT, but we’ll continue to push the change and show that large value can be created through taking it virtual.

What are the next stages for your project?

Continue driving awareness of the project, learning about what kind of events and networking opportunities bring the most value and spreading the KETCH-UP vibes. We’ve launched te project and we’ll continue to drive it, but the most important part is that now the participants need to hop on the train and develop their own dynamic, their own communities and their own network, because this is something that needs to grow naturally.

Do you have expectations for the EDHEC alumni community?

Have a good time and make meaningful connections! Of course it is very valuable for our students to have the possibility to exchange with Alumni and talk about their experiences, advices and insights, but at the same time we also want the Alumni to enjoy the networking and get value out of the new relationships established. Ideally, at some point KETCH-UP can serve as a connection point between all kinds of stakeholders within EDHEC, whether students, professors, staff, alumni – we’re all part of the same community.

How to reach us:


The KETCH-UP Team :




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