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Jhonny Vidal (MSc in Financial Markets 2011) - Bolivia - Senior Portfolio Manager - Central Bank of Bolivia

Actu du Réseau



Before coming to EDHEC I was looking for a degree that was highly applied given that I already had several years of work experience and needed to deepen my understanding of global financial markets to continue developing my career.

The MSc Financial Markets was particularly appealing to me because of its hands-on approach and the access it provided to EDHEC Risk Institute faculty. Furthermore, the Trading Major offered the possibility of interacting with experienced traders in class.

EDHEC Student associations were pretty welcoming and organized several activities during the academic year; this made easier my adaptation to the Riviera way of life and allowed me to make great friends from all nationalities.

After my studies I am resuming my work as senior portfolio manager for the FOREX reserves at the Central Bank of Bolivia, I am ready to apply all the knowledge I have accumulated throughout this unforgettable year at EDHEC.

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