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Jean HOUZE DE L'AULNOIT (Master 2007) : candidat au poste d'administrateur

Actu du Réseau



Jean HOUZE DE L'AULNOIT (Master 2007)

Co-founder and associate director - Limestreams

Vos motivations à rejoindre le Conseil d'administration EDHEC Alumni

Technically I don't want to join the board of EDHEC Alumni but rather stay in it as I have a member for the last 3 years. More seriously I have joined the board 3 years ago to be an active member of the Edhec community. I those 3 years I have turned those words into action : "Join actively the Commissions" : I am an active member of the Entrepreneurship & Business commission. In 3 years we have achieved to really unite the entrepreneur community. We have been working on building a more coherent communication and action with all the actors of the entrepreneur eco-system (school, students associations, EYE incubator, business angels and club pro) to maximize our impact in communication and most important of all in actions. 

Vos propositions

The key word would be continuity in action for entrepreneurship and livening up the Network.

1- Entrepreneurship It took us a long time to bring together all the initiatives around entrepreneurship. We are now starting to really achieve a coherent communication and coordinated actions with all actors around entrepreneurship. Now that the foundations have been built I would be glad to join the next phase to help entrepreneurship growing among the Edhec Alumni. To keep the momentum I would like to bring more senior entrepreneurs in the loop both to help the beginners but also to strengthen business among Edhec Alumni.

2- Liven up the Network I have worked to bring energy and stimulate the Network through concrete actions towards entrepreneurs (workshops, meetings, conferences), among the Alumni (i.e. by connecting Edhec Alumni with each other) and on the institution (i.e. refreshing the rules of the elections to the board). I then offer to keep bringing a contribution to Edhec Alumni. I really feel my ability to help ideas come true would still be useful to help the 2 projects I have supported to get to the next level.

Votre slogan

" Entrepreneuraly Edhec ! "

> Votez pour Jean HOUZE DE L'AULNOIT (Master 2007)  


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