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Innovative Research: EDHEC strengthens its leadership in infrastructure at Paris Infraweek




EDHECinfra, the EDHEC research centre dedicated to infrastructure, will take part in "Paris Infraweek", an event on Infrastructure Finance organized each year by the French Ministry of Finance and Paris Europlace.

This year, discussions will focus on “Infrastructure Quality”, common thread for the 2019 edition. The topic will be addressed from different angles: sustainability of financing, digital and innovation, contribution to development, impact in terms of social and environmental costs, etc.

Partner of the event, EDHECinfra will present its research findings during a masterclass in Bercy on Monday, October 7th. EDHECinfra Director Frederic Blanc-Brude will hold a seminar : “State of the art of the Valuation of Illiquid Assets”.

The research centre will then organize a session on indices and benchmarks on the EDHEC campus in Paris on Wednesday, October 9th from 4pm to 6pm. On this occasion, Frédéric Blanc-Brude will review current issues with existing benchmarks and will discuss performance and risk evaluation in infrastructure investments. EDHECinfra currently has the world’s largest dedicated database of infrastructure investment cash flows, covering more than 25 years of data and hundreds of projects across the globe.

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