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Hamid AMRAOUI (EMBA 2015-2017), candidat au poste d'administrateur

EDHEC dans la presse



Hamid AMRAOUI (EMBA 2015-2017)
Financial executive - FAURECIA
> LinkedIn


When I applied for the Executive MBA at EDHEC, my profile might seem atypical, due to my academical background, but this was mostly the quality of life experience, which have brought skills, knowledge and expertise... which allow me to feel a real architect of the enterprise value. Now, almost at the end of my MBA, I got feeling that I can be useful beyond the company ecosystem and enable humbly to be an example to attract all those atypical profiles which will bring a richness to this alumni network.


- Offer more multimedia coverage of startups created by members of EDHEC Alumni, to promote ecosystem network.
- To promote the knowledge of professional clubs, by realizing portrais of administrators and members (one club per month).

Be determinate because the pain of the effort is more intense, but the pain of regret is much 
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