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Grand Prix Jeunes Créateurs du Commerce (Young commercial business venture prize): Call for candidates

Actu du Réseau



Compete in the 2012 Grand Prix des Jeunes Créateurs du Commerce competition
Created by Unibail-Rodamco and backed by numerous partners, this year, three innovative and ambitious commercial business concepts will be awarded prizes by the panel of judges in the Grand Prix des Jeunes Créateurs du Commerce competition.

Over €1,000,000 of prizes
This year's prizes, worth more than a million euros, will enable the prizewinners to bring their ideas to fruition by helping them to launch their activity immediately in one of the 24 Unibail-Rodamco shopping malls that annually welcome millions of visitors (Quatre Temps - 44 million visitors, Carrousel du Louvre – 16.7 millions visitors, Rosny 2 – 14.7 million visitors...)

Send in your application before 30 April 2012

To find out more about how to take part and to download the application form, log onto:


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