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Graduate Programmes- RBC Capital Markets




RBC Capital Markets is a premier investment bank that provides a focused set of products and services to institutions, corporations, governments and high net worth clients in over 100 countries. We are the investment banking arm of Royal Bank of Canada. We understand that the first steps in any career in finance are critical. With that in mind, we have the right formula to provide you with the opportunities and professional development you need to turn those first steps into a rewarding career. You’ll be part of a company with a superior financial track record, credit rating and reputation. In fact, we maintained a high credit rating throughout the recent financial crisis. Working at one of the world’s leading investment banks means you will benefit from the breadth of opportunity, depth of resources and quality of training that comes from our size, experience and strength. It will also give you the chance to work regularly with world-class clients and colleagues. In short, we provide the essential components to get your career off to a great start.

We offer our clients a wide range of services and products including:

Commodities, Debt, Equities, Financial Products, Fixed Income & Currencies, Investment Banking, Research

We are not prescriptive on the subject of your degree, however, we will be looking for a minimum 2.1 degree (expected). Whether you’re a philosophy student or an engineer, we’re more interested in an agile intellect, strong numerical and analytical skills, an awareness of global economic issues and a genuine interest in the international financial markets. Creativity, logic, interpersonal skills and inner drive all come into the equation. Any additional languages, especially European, are a strong advantage but by no means a pre-requisite when applying.

Website: Read more at: 

Graduate Numbers: 30-40

Summer Internships: 30-40

Vacancies: Opportunities are available for 2011 in the following areas: • Global Markets • Global Investment Banking • Middle Office • Information Technology • Operations Application

Details: For further details of our programmes and how to apply, please visit our website:

Closing Date:12 Nov

RBC Capital Markets (Royal Bank of Canada) 71 Queen Victoria Street London, Great Britain EC4V 4DE +44207 002 2250

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