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EDHEC-Risk Institute offers new Executive MSc in Risk and Investment Management in London, Nice, and Singapore




According to Sergio Focardi, Programme Director of the Executive MSc in Risk and Investment Management, while the programme is technically challenging, the recent financial market meltdown has challenged conventional investment wisdom and underscored the need for the profession to redefine itself, adopt state-of-the-art asset allocation techniques and effective risk management tools, and shift from promoting products to designing solutions that truly take account of investors’ needs and constraints.
In a recent consultation conducted by EDHEC-Risk Institute, 95% of investment professionals surveyed felt that improvements in investment practices were needed and 86% of respondents believed that further education and effort were required to close the gap between real-word practice and research.
Designed for experienced practitioners, the Executive MSc in Risk and Investment Management offered by EDHEC-Risk Institute will equip participants with the conceptual and practical tools to embrace and lead the major changes that will redefine the profession.
Its curriculum builds on the results of a survey of 229 financial institutions with total assets under management in excess of EUR10 trillion (GBP9 trillion, SGD20 trillion), which identified major inefficiencies in the very organisation of risk and investment management as well as at each step of the investment process.

Going beyond traditional portfolio management and risk diversification approaches, it delves into advanced asset allocation and risk management techniques and develops a dynamic risk budgeting framework allowing for the respect of “hard” downside risk constraints.
While the programme is technically challenging, the goal is not sophistication in itself, but the application of the right technique to satisfy clients’ needs.
Practical examples include reconciling short-term constraints and long-term investment horizons in institutional investment, integrating objectives, constraints and liabilities in private wealth management, and designing life cycle funds for retail investment.
This specialist master’s programme is delivered over seventeen months of part-time study and formatted to be compatible with professional schedules. It is offered in Asia-from Singapore-and in Europe-from London and Nice.
For further information, download the programme brochure, or contact Ms Mélanie Ruiz
on +33(0)4 93 18 78 19 or via



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