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EDHEC proud to be invited to Salesforce Careers & Employability Partner day in London


UK | London




For the past two years running, Salesforce was rated the #1 best place to work in all of Europe. Last week, we are proud to say that EDHEC Business School was one of five key university recruiting partners - and the only non-UK school - to be invited to their Careers & Employability Partner day in London, where they provided an overview of graduate opportunities, growth sectors, and tips for student success in the hiring process.
Our relationship with them is one of our shining international career success stories - a testament to inter-departmental excellence across the Career Centre, ICR and academic teams working in harmony to reinforce results and create opportunities for EDHEC students and graduates across multiple countries and disciplines.

- by Cassandra Pittman, EDHEC country manager in UK and Ireland


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