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EDHEC MBA Global Leaders Club

Actu du Réseau



EDHEC’s Global Leaders Club objectives are to inspire our MBAs by putting them in direct contact with keynote speakers from your firm.

Distinguished speakers share their stories, giving information about their careers, advice about their areas of expertise or business context and opinions on their current business context. EDHEC’s MBA participants ensure the tradition of asking challenging and well-prepared questions following the conference.

Global Leaders Club conferences and roundtables may be moderated by an MBA participant in the form of an interview, a panel discussion, or the speaker may prepare a PowerPoint or video presentation. These conferences can be done live or via web conference and broadcast to our campuses in Lille, Paris, London and Singapore. They are also open to EDHEC’s Grande Ecole and Master’s students.

Events take place for one hour including questions either from 1 to 2pm or from 6-7pm CET during the academic year from mid-September to end-April.


For more information, contact:

Head of EDHEC Global MBA Career Services
tel : +33 (0)4 9318 3237

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