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EDHEC Global MBA Alumni Spotlights: Fabrice Lelouvier (Global Mba Theseus 2001) and Gauthier Vasseur (GE 1992)

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Fabrice Lelouvier (Global Mba Theseus 2001), Director of UBIFrance in Switzerland, and Gauthier Vasseur (EDHEC GE 1992), COO of Semarchy, were on campus recently at EDHEC Nice for an Alumni Spotlight conference with EDHEC’s MBA participants.

Fabrice discussed his career in Public Finance and Foreign Trade, as the head of the French Economic Export organisation called UBIFrance. He shared wonderful stories of his very international career which has moved him from France, to Germany, Japan  and now Switzerland. He shared insight into the Swiss culture and Swiss job market for MBAs looking for a high standard of living, excellent job opportunities and salary potential. One of the things that stood out in Fabrice's story is his ability to cooperate with people from all cultural and professional backgrounds, something he admits, he had gotten a taste of during his MBA at Theseus - EDHEC.

EDHEC Global MBA Alumni Spotlight : Gauthier Vasseur (GE 1992)

Gauthier VASSEUR, COO of Semarchy and EDHEC 1992 graduate, discussed his career shift from audit and big corporate to Silicon Valley start-ups, and focused in on Business Intelligence – and how big data and its optimization affects all of us, in all fields of work and all professions.

Gauthier urged these international managers  to reexamine their dependency on spreadsheets and look at data in different,  more intelligent ways.  Gauthier’s new firm, Semarchy, is the expert in Data Convergence. Gauthier has worked previously for Trinet, Google, Oracle,  Hyperion, Remy Cointreau, and Ernst & Young. He is also a lecturer at Stanford University Continuing Studies and Ohio State University.

Previous Global MBA Alumni Spotlight conferences this trimester:
•    Wissam Farah, MD Head of CEEMEA Sales & Markets, Citigroup, London
•    Laurent Londeix, Regional Director at Orange, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Upcoming Alumni Spotlights will go online, allowing us to reach further across the globe:
•    Rico Oyola, Partnership Director & Innovation Researcher at Quintana, New York
•    Tom Barnfield, Senior Manager, Advisory at Ernst & Young, Melbourne
•    Suzana Gorea, Business Model Design & Growth Strategy, Paris
•    Emmanuel Doessant, VP Global Licensing, Disney and Pixar Animation, Los Angeles


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