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EDHEC and 42 become academic partners




Students from EDHEC and from School 42 will benefit from the partnership. They will have the opportunity to acquire skills in management and in coding while learning about Silicon Valley's working methods. This partnership highlights, once more, EDHEC's commitment to providing its graduates with a rich and high international experience. "Our ambition is to develop transversal skills in our future graduates in line with a world in perpetual evolution. By combining disciplines, we help build profiles of excellence, able to understand an environment and of seizeopportunities. This is the whole point of our cooperation with the School 42," says Emmanuel Métais, Executive Director of EDHEC Business School. The first and foremost beneficiaries of this partnership will be the Global Economic Transformation & Technology track students. EDHEC-School 42 teams will work on technological projects and entrepreneurs on the School 42 campus at the heart of Silicon Valley. According to Richard Perrin, associate dean for International Relations EDHEC Business School: " Students of the GETT track will be in immersion on the 42 USA School campus just before their start at Berkeley to learn the basics of coding. In addition, they will jointly carry out consulting missions on a personal entrepreneurial project or in connection with a start-up in the EDHEC ecosystem or School 42". A climax in the academic journey of GETT students. “It’s an incredible chance to go to School 42 in Fremont’’, says Asmaa Taki, Moroccan student of the GETT. 

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