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Discover and join the new Alumni Club "Aspiring Product Managers"

Actu du Réseau



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The Aspiring Product Managers Club is a student-run club at EDHEC Business School in collaboration with EDHEC Alumni, working towards the goal of improving and developing the field of product management.

The club is led by a team of 3 and is supported by Alumni manager SIMON Géraldine, who is helping to provide guidance and expertise to the team. The club held a kick-off meeting in January 2023, which served as an opportunity for members to get to know one another and discuss the goals and objectives of the club.

We plan to provide resources, support, and networking opportunities for our members. To achieve this, we plan to host a variety of events such as conferences, workshops, and networking gatherings. These events will provide opportunities for students to learn from industry experts and connect with professionals in the field. Additionally, we plan to provide resources such as training materials and online forums for members to access and stay current with industry trends.

Our community can be found on the EDHEC alumni website under the professional clubs section, and we also have a LinkedIn page where you can join us, share information and learn more about product management and other activities of the club.


Our team:

Haswanth Sai BANDREDDY (EDHEC Master 2025) - Founder of the Club & President

And we would like to thank our volunteers for the support:

Harish SAMALA (EDHEC Master 2025)

Laura ORVAIN (EDHEC Master 2025)

Ishani BAHL (EDHEC Master 2024)

Nitish KUMAR (EDHEC Master 2023)

Sai Preetham THUKRAL (EDHEC Master 2025)


Can you tell us in a few words how your project came about?

I, Haswanth Sai BANDREDDY, recognized a need for a product management association at EDHEC Business school. I assembled a team to execute my idea and was glad to see individuals with similar interests come together to achieve a common goal. To gauge interest among students, we conducted a survey and were surprised by the positive responses received.

We noticed that many students were interested in product management as a career but did not have any resources or platforms to gain more knowledge about it. Seeing an opportunity, we decided to take action. We took further steps by doing research and then we created a proposal for the Aspiring Product Managers association. A platform was built by us for aspiring product managers to share, network and learn about product management. 

Coming to Alumni, we wanted to see how many members were part of the domain and through our research, we discovered that there were more than 800 of them, who were product managers. We reached out to the alumni manager and discussed our idea with her. We also spoke with the career centre about our project, and finally after a lot of discussions and explanations we launched our club in December 2022. And that's how it all started !

Describe your association (product, market, target, team, originality...):

The Aspiring Product Managers (APM) Club at EDHEC is a student-run organisation that provides resources and opportunities for students who are interested in a career in product management. Our primary focus is on helping students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the field. We achieve this by providing a variety of activities such as hosting guest speakers from the industry to share their experiences, case studies, and conducting mock interviews by collaborating with the Career Center. 

Our association also helps students learn about job opportunities, internships and career paths in product management by partnering with companies in the industry. We believe that this will help students to gain valuable skills and experience that will help them to succeed in the competitive field of product management. By providing these resources, we aim to be a valuable resource for students at EDHEC and help them to achieve their goals in the field of product management.


What is your first assessment of this adventure? What is your biggest success?

At EDHEC Business School we aimed to increase interest in product management among students. A survey revealed that most students were interested in webinars. We organised a webinar, "Introduction to Product Management" with a speaker, Aditi Mishra, a Product Marketing Manager at LinkedIn. We promoted the event through emails, social media, and reached out to previously interested students. The replay is available on EDHEC Alumni site.

The event was successful with 40 attendees and positive feedback. Attendees learned new things about product management and were excited to learn more about the field. Encouraged by the success, we plan to organise similar events in the future to provide students with valuable learning opportunities


What advice can you give to students who would like to join your club?

Our club was established with the singular aim of raising the profile of product management within the EDHEC community. We are actively seeking dedicated and enthusiastic students who want to make an impact by joining us on this journey. To date, we have successfully executed one event and are planning to build on this momentum by hosting workshops, conducting case studies, providing mock interviews, organising webinars, and creating study materials. In order to accomplish our goals, we require a team of passionate individuals who possess the ability to plan, organise, and execute events that not only deepen the understanding of interested students but also generate curiosity among those who have limited exposure to the field.


Do you have any expectations from the Alumni community (fundraising, search for collaborators, partners, advice, etc.)

The EDHEC alumni network is a powerful resource, boasting 800+ accomplished professionals working in product management across a diverse range of industries and regions. Their wealth of knowledge and experience represents a valuable opportunity for current students and young professionals seeking to launch their careers in product management. As an association, it is our duty to actively engage this network to provide mentorship to aspiring product managers. By fostering these relationships, we can empower future leaders of the industry by providing them with the guidance and resources they need to succeed. 

In addition to our workshops, case studies, mock interviews, webinars, and study materials, we also need support to organise networking events as a way to connect our students with professional product managers and recruiters. These events will provide an opportunity for students to learn from experienced professionals, gain insights into the industry, and potentially secure internships or job opportunities. We will be inviting prominent product managers and recruiters from various companies and industries to participate in these events, so students can gain a diverse perspective on the field and network with a wide range of professionals. Additionally, we also need career counselling, resume review and interview preparation sessions to prepare students for their job search.


More information: your website, your contact, links to your social networks…

To know more about product management at EDHEC, join our new Product Managers Club:

Follow us on LinkedIn Page:

For further queries and information regarding club







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