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Certificat "Positive and Reflexive Leadership” : nouvelle accréditation disponible au sein du Master EDHEC




Forte de son expérience de 20 années de déploiement de Learning Teams™ et d’un parcours appelé « Leader Réflexif », la Chaire en Leadership Development de l’EDHEC a décidé de transmettre ses compétences au plus grand nombre.

C’est ainsi qu’elle a ouvert en 2022, en partenariat avec son partenaire Potentialife, une Certification à destination des étudiants en Master 2. Ce parcours de 90h forme les étudiants à la posture et aux pratiques du « Reflexive and Positive Leader ». 

La chaire certifie des personnes qui ont les ressources pour transformer leur équipe en une communauté d'apprentissage, mais aussi capables d’aider chacun à développer son leadership, compétences auxquelles l’entreprise peut faire appel en transverse tout comme un coach interne. 

Les managers bienvenus dans la salle de cours !

Ce parcours de formation pourra désormais être proposé aux entreprises partenaires de la chaire dès l’année prochaine en créant des promotions mixtes d’étudiants en fin d’étude ET des managers en exercice (fonctionnels comme opérationnels). Découvrez un programme qui combine du distanciel pendant les 3 premiers mois et 6 journées de séminaires en présentiel sur le campus lillois ; formation en anglais car promotion très internationale ! Tentés par l’aventure ?

Pour en savoir plus : ;


Aleksandra Koper, MSc in Marketing Management, a passé avec succès le Certificat en leadership réflexif et positif. Elle nous parle de ses principaux apprentissages.

You have successfully completed the Certificate in Reflexive and Positive Leadership. What can you tell us about it?

The certificate was a part of the personalization period during my Master’s in Marketing Management program. The course consists of two parts: an online self-paced course on the Potentialife platform and two months of in-person meetings with a coach, Cécile Petit.
 It is a great opportunity for self-development and learning actual coaching practices.


Why did you decide to seize this opportunity?

I applied for the Certificate because I saw it as a good complement to my management studies.
 I was always interested in coaching and self-development, so I wanted to get a taste of it in practice.


What are the key learnings?

The key learning from the course for myself is: that active listening is more important than speaking! During the certificate, we dedicated a lot of time to sharpening active listening skills, like reformulation and asking powerful questions, and I have to say that those forever changed the way I am carrying conversations. For a solution-oriented overthinker like me, it is a great relief to know that the best way to help someone is to lead him or her to their own answers, instead of finding the solutions for them.


Which skills did you develop? How will it benefit your career?

I definitely developed my ability to listen actively. Besides, we practiced the art of questioning others, the art of dialogue, the art of reflexivity, and tuning into our emotions. The certificate gave me the confidence to hold important conversations. I believe that while communicating in the workplace, l will be more self-aware and effective. If I am ever in the position of managing or coaching others, I’m confident the knowledge from the certificate will be highly beneficial.


Did you learn something about leadership skills that surprised you?

At the very first meeting with Cécile, I was surprised when we discussed the definition of leadership. In my mind, it was always linked to management, while in reality, leadership is a posture that we can embody in any environment and situation. You can be a leader without being a manager, and you can be a manager while not being a leader. Likewise, we can apply the leadership skills to ourselves, to self-coaching through personal and professional challenges.


To whom would you recommend this certification?

To everyone interested in coaching and self-development, as well as those who could use a confidence booster! The Certificate is built around practical exercises, sharing in a group, and interaction, so there is no way you will not go out of your shell in the process.


Pour toute question sur la Fondation EDHEC, merci de contacter Sandrine Pinto, Responsable Mécénat Entreprises
+33 (0)1 87 89 91 86


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