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Candidat pour le Conseil d'Administration EDHEC Alumni : Bruno DE SAINT-FLORENT (GE 1988)

Actu du Réseau



Le 20 janvier 2015 aura lieu l'Assemblée générale d'EDHEC Alumni. Comme chaque année, c'est aux diplômés de voter pour les candidats qui les représenteront au Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni. Cette année, 6 places d'administrateurs sont à pourvoir.
Parmi les 13 candidats, découvrez le profil et les motivations de Bruno DE SAINT-FLORENT (GE 1988).

(GE 1988) 

Fonction : Partner leading the Financial Services Practice in France and member of the European Management team
Entreprise : Oliver Wyman

What are the reasons why you want to join the EDHEC Alumni Board members ?
I have been a member of the Alumni Board for years, as I think it is very important that we build a network of alumni which is at par with other international leading institutions (I am also an alumnus from Wharton and the LSE and my wife is an ESSEC alumna so I can compare). I think we have made significant progress in internationalizing the network, in working effectively with the school (I was involved in the convention between the school and the alumni association and I am also a Board member of the school). We are probably ahead of peers on this side. This is the result of the energy of the many alumni who volunteered to make the network vibrant and the engagement of the permanent staff of the association. But there is more to do.

What are your suggestions for the next three years concerning the EDHEC Alumni community ?
I see opportunities in 3 areas, and am ready to invest in them- Reach: involving more alumni given digitalization increase our reach beyond those who are in clusters where have ambassadors (professional clubs, companies) or local representation- Quality: the association is already providing very good services (professional clubs, career support…) but we can offer by leveraging further prominent EDHECs who can share views on their industry and career, professors of the school who can share research insights… the way some of our peers do- Money/Rising talents/ business angels: I think investing in our school and our fellow alumni is a good investment and alumni can do more and get the return as a group, if we foster it

“Virtus unita fortior“

> Cliquez ici pour revenir à la présentation des 13 candidats.

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> Plus d'infos sur le Conseil d'Administration d'EDHEC Alumni 

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