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Camille Ract (EDHEC 2014), nouvelle ambassadrice du club EDHEC Alumni Indonésie !

Actu du Réseau



Le groupe Edhec Alumni Indonésie a pour vocation d'organiser et de favoriser les échanges d'informations, les soutiens mutuels éventuels et les rencontres entre diplômés du Groupe Edhec qui vivent, travaillent en Indonésie, et sont d'une manière ou d'une autre expatriés.

Découvrez Camille Ract (EDHEC 2014), nouvelle ambassadrice du club EDHEC Alumni Indonésie !


- Can you explain in a few words your background?

I entered EDHEC 2011. In 2013, I opted for apprenticeship track in Paris where I joined AccorHotels. In 2015, I moved to Indonesia and I am working in the Digital Marketing team of AccorHotels.

- What motivations prompted you to accept the role of volunteer ambassador? What personal or professional benefits do you hope to gain from this adventure?

I have now been living in Jakarta for 2 years and I realize that we are many more EDHEC than we think! I would be very happy to meet with the alumni, share our diverse experiences in Indonesia, which is such a fascinating country to live in! Let’s take the opportunity of our strong network!

- What are the next steps for your club? (Developing digital, increasing the frequency of events, diversifying the typology of events, increasing attendance, finding a shoulder to support you, etc.)

First, I would like to connect the alumni thanks to digital, Linkedin group for example. Second, my objective is to organize the first EDHEC Rendez-vous in Jakarta in June. On a long-term basis, animate the community thanks to regular events!

- Do you have expectations of the EDHEC or EDHEC Alumni alumni community?

I hope the alumni will be willing to participate in our events and share with me their expectations towards this Club.


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