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BP - Discover Trading - Apply before 12th October





Discover Trading...
Discover Trading by playing our online
simulation game. Be 1 of the 1000 players
across 12 universities to be in with a
chance to win this fantastic experience.
Top scorers can expect to be invited in to
meet our Traders, visit our Trading floor and
spend time with our current graduates.
This will provide you with a valuable insight
and networking opportunity within the
Integrated Supply and Trading (IST)
business at BP.


Discover Trading... Play our online Trading simulation game to win a day in our Canary Wharf office!

Discover Trading by playing our online simulation game. Be 1 of the 1000 players across 12 universities to be in with a chance to win this fantastic experience. Top scorers can expect to be invited in to meet our Traders, visit our Trading floor and spend time with our current graduates. This will provide you with a valuable insight and networking opportunity within theIntegrated Supply and Trading (IST) business at BP.

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