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An internship, an apprenticeship or a job at Microsoft ?

Actu du Réseau














Dear students,


 At the heart of technological innovation, in an international environment and within a Great Place to Work, our teams at Microsoft are pleased to invite you online for our Tuesday Chat.


On January 8th from 5.30pm to 6.30pm



On the Agenda : presentation of our internship/apprenticeship programmes, of our Graduate Programme MACH and presentation of experiences from alumnis with Nicolas CATANESE, Chanel Marketing Manager (EDHEC 2008) and Lucile FOUCART –commercial engineer (EDHEC 2011)



Let’s meet!


Do you want to participate to the Tuesday Chat? Send your registration to Caroline Lefevre before Monday 07th of January 12h



You can also meet us at the Forum on 11th of January





See you soon at Microsoft


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