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AI for Everyone : free online courses for all EDHEC alumni




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AI is not only for engineers. This non-technical course will help you understand technologies like machine learning and deep learning and spot opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own organisation. You will see examples of what today’s AI can - and cannot - do. Finally, you will understand how AI is impacting society and how to navigate through this technological change.

As part of its partnership with Edflex, EDHEC Alumni is offering you a 9-hour course to discover what IA has to offer.

How can I benefit from Edflex training?

  1. Check that you are logged in to your account on
  2. Click on the "Lifelong learning" link in the "Career" section of the main navigation.
  3. You will automatically be recognised as an EDHEC graduate and will benefit from free access to all the courses on offer.
  4. Finally, click on this link to join the AI for Everyone course
  • edflex
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