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AB InBev Graduate Program




Dear EDHEC students,

My name is Alice Bourguignat and I’m part this year of AB InBev graduate program, the Global Management Trainee program. I met some of you last week at the EDHEC job fair

For the ones who don’t know us, AB InBev is the largest beer company in the world, and also by far the most profitable one with 37% EBITDA. We have over 200 brands in our portfolio, a.o. Budweiser, Stella Artois, Leffe, Hoegaarden... One beer out of four sold in the world is actually from AB InBev!                   

From a broader perspective, AB InBev is a top 5 Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company in the world and the fastest growing one. In this category, we are again the most profitable company. 

Since our dream is to become the best beer company in a better world, AB InBev wants to attract the best students through a unique graduate program: the Global Management Traineeship.

This program aims to attract top talents for the future leadership of our company and will make you prove yourself earlier, so that you can grow faster! As a trainee, you are challenged in all areas of operations with high levels of responsibility and potential impact from the start. This unique program’s goal is to make you ready to become a general manager, with a broad knowledge of our company and of the beer market.

All the information on the program is to be found on Applications are open until March 31st on

Thank you!


AB-InBev delivers to its trainees:

 Investment into the future top managers of the company

  • A 10-months overview of the company followed by a first junior manager position
  • Hands-on experience across departments
  • Exposure to the global leaders of the company from day 1
  • International work experience (USA, UK, Hungary, Czech Republic etc.)
  • A cross-functional career path

 … All of this giving you the potential to build an impressive career at a fast pace.



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