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A Word from Laurent Deville




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Dear Alumni,

We are coming to the end of another Academic Year. Obviously, it has been a remarkable year for all of us and it has certainly tested our adaptability in the face of adversity. Looking back on this complicated year I can say very proudly that we have not only merely weathered the storm, but we have succeeded in maintaining our capacity to deliver our programmes efficiently, regardless of the sanitary conditions and constraints.

We all know that the success of EDHEC Business School goes beyond the academic, and throughout this difficult year EDHEC has recognized the importance of bolstering its student support system. Very early on we developed our COVID-19 cell with an emergency fund for students in financial distress, our careers team made sure they devised the right strategy to ensure continued placements in fast-track internships and careers, isolated students were quickly identified by our HUB and students were encouraged to set up initiatives such as Ketchup. Steps such as these certainly played an important role in maintaining the excellent results that our institution is known for.

It goes without saying that FE Track has been no exception to this, providing students not only with a strong academic team who have developed online open dialogues with their students through class groups and social media channels, but also initiatives such as our bi-monthly speaker series with live student participation. With the support of a dedicated administrative team and the engagement of our student associations (ESFC & WINFIN), we have been able to provide all our students other channels to maintain contact. 

Dealing with emergencies did not prevent us from continuing the development of our offer. At the end of May all our Master and Grande Ecole programs received a favorable opinion from CEFDG and will be granted the French master degree accreditation for the maximum period of 5 years. We are also delighted to announce that our new MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Finance in partnership with Mines ParisTech will be opening this fall. As director of FE track, I cannot describe how pleased I am to be part of such a motivated and engaged team. We have been challenged during this extraordinary year and I am delighted to see such positive and successful results.

It has been heart-warming to experience the continued enthusiasm of our students who have worked hard this year both online and face to face which only the hybrid system has allowed. It has been great to see the many prizes and accolades our students have won this year such as GARP Prize winner, Eflamm Guegen, AFTE Prize winners Laetitia Champagne and Léa Coste, and Les Palmes D’or des jeunes actionnaires. These are, of course, just a few examples.

Sadly, this year again we will not be able to immediately celebrate with our students their success. However, we are confident that, in the near future we will do so. We are looking forward to congratulating them in person at their graduation ceremonies and watch them proudly walk the podium. They have much to celebrate as their achievement is certainly monumental. This makes us all very proud and to close this letter I can only say that I am certainly proud: proud of our students professional and responsible approach, proud of our exceptional FE Track Academic Team and honoured to be part of this world class institution which has guaranteed yet again that our students have all it takes to build their exceptional career path.

Wishing you a pleasant summer as we look forward to another, hopefully safer, academic Year!

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