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A la rencontre de: Rosemary GOATER, Head of Asian Corporate-Student Relations in ASIA

Inspiration Business



Nous vous proposons d'aller à la rencontre de Rosemary GOATER, Head of Asian Corporate-Student Relations - EDHEC Corporate Relations & Careers, et basée à Hong-Kong


Hello Rosemary, can you tell us what your background is ?

For the past 4 years I have been working with EDHEC in Nice, as the head of the International Corporate Relations activity where I was responsible for a team, whose mission was to raise EDHEC’s profile and expand our relationships with our target employer companies in our target countries – in order to contribute to increase job opportunities for our graduating students.  My team was responsible for building and institutionalizing relationships with firms based outside of France such as BlackRock, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Commerzbank, Citi, Nomura, RBS, EDF Trading, M&G Asset Management, JP Morgan Private Bank and many others.  However, we could not have been successful building and strengthening these relationships, if we did not have the help of the alumni that were already working there.  Successful EDHEC alumni are the best reason for any firm to continue engaging with EDHEC and hiring EDHEC students.  Our joint efforts with the alumni really brought value to our current students. 

Three of the ways that students have benefitted from these relationships include:

• The company’s presence on campus during our career fair
• Giving presentations on the various campuses of industry specific or recruiting themes, which creates unique networking opportunities 
• The privileged communication of their offers and programmes to our students.  
Before my time at EDHEC I was based in Japan for 13 years where I most recently worked at Heidrick & Struggles which is one of the top tier retained executive search firms.  There, I was partner in charge of the Financial Markets and Infrastructure practices.  During my time at Heidrick & Struggles I also worked in Paris on cross border placements with London. 

What is your mission now ?

I have recently relocated to Hong Kong and am still working with EDHEC, but on a strictly Asian focused project. 
22% of our student population are Asian nationals and as such, one of our goals is to strengthen our relationships with our EDHEC Business Club member firms, (click here to see a list of our EBC partner firms**) that have offices located in China, Hong Kong, Singapore or India and also those target employers, which may not be EBC members,  in which our alumni currently work.   We have started working towards our goal by meeting local HR professionals and alumni of these firms to raise our profile in various ways and offer our exclusive international business club service, which includes:
• Access to our world class career center which can help you to identify and recruit the right talent.
• Tailor made EDHEC CV books upon request
• Exclusive communication of any job/internship offers to specific target audiences
• Exclusive company specific content in our student newsletter or through any of our social media channels
• Access to our virtual career fair free of charge
• Running EDHEC specific recruiting sessions
• Exclusive invitations to any presentations of our NEWGEN* research in the region
• Exclusive access to any of our NEWGEN research
All of these services we offer with a view to add value to their talent acquisition strategies in order to strengthen our relationships with target employer firms.  Again, as in Europe, we need the help of our alumni working in these firms.  Therefore, if any of our alumni think that their firm could benefit from the skill set offered by our EDHEC students, I would be glad to meet them or the appropriate person responsible for recruitment within their company and explain about EDHEC’s programmes and explore how we could partner with them on an on-going basis to help them build their talent pipeline.  Our students really do have a unique advantage not only because they have earned an EDHEC degree, but also because they come back to their home country with on average a year of relevant work experience and are often fully functional in both English and French in a business context.
In addition to working with potential employers, as I am a certified executive coach, I am also the career coach in the region for the alumni.  Each alumnus has the right to 1 hour of career coaching every year.  I am specialized in job search, career transition and career evolution coaching.  I hope that I get a chance to speak with any of the alumni in Asia reading this article !


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