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2019 EDHEC MBA Refresher : Let's the learning continue.

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EDHEC offers one of the world's most diverse MBA classrooms with over 30 nationalities, 40% women, experience ranges from 3 years to over 20, and one of the broadest arrays of educational and sectorial backgrounds.

Let's the learning continue

Every two years, EDHEC Business School and EDHEC Alumni invite their +3,500 MBA (Global,Executive, Theseus, IEFSI) alumni to a full-day event on the EDHEC Nice campus. It is an exciting opportunity for our alumni to revive and reinvigorate their skills and insight, expand their network within the EDHEC Alumni community, catch-up with former classmates and hear more from some favorite EDHEC professors.

The 2019 edition will be held on Saturday, October 19th, on the EDHEC Nice Campus.
 It will include 2 keynote conferences on Sustainability: "Strategies for Climate Risk Exposure – Professor Gianfranco Gianfrate" and "Sustainability: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly – Professor Geert Demuijnck" and will also provide moments of experience sharing with fellow alumni and current global MBA students. 

If you are an MBA graduate, here are 7 reasons why you should participate in the MBA & Master Alumni Refresher:

  • Outstanding Professors to update your knowledge
  • Catching Up
  • Professional Development
  • Staying Relevant
  • Networking
  • Skills Enhancement
  • Reconnecting
  • and of course the lovely environment of the French Riviera!




Discover EDHEC MBA Alumni Refresher with this video


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