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[Complimentary webinar] EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Alumni





EDHEC-Risk Institute and EDHEC Alumni are pleased to invite you to their exclusive EDHEC Alumni Webinar on Tuesday November 14th, 2017 :

Thoughts for the Future 
of the Investment Management Industry:
From Investment Products to Investment Solutions
 Webinar hosted by Lionel Martellini, Professor of Finance,
EDHEC Business School and Director, EDHEC-Risk Institute

Two live-streaming sessions will be broadcast at
12pm and 6pm (Paris time), choose your session !

Registration : 


Investment management is justified as an industry only to the extent that it can demonstrate a capacity to add value through the design of dedicated meaningful investor-centric investment solutions, as opposed to one-size-fits-all manager-centric investment products.

After several decades of relative inertia, the much needed move towards investment solutions has been greatly facilitated by a true industrial revolution triggered by profound paradigm changes in terms of mass production, mass customization and mass distribution.




Complimentary Blended Learning Programme 

EDHEC-Risk Institute and Edhec Alumni are proud to provide EDHEC Alumni members with a complimentary blended learning programme and give them access to the latest academic breakthrough and industry practices.

The programme starts on Tuesday November 14th, with this introduction webinar.



Webinar content 

- Math and finance: a long and happy marriage … with ugly kids

- Paradigm changes in investment management

- EDHEC and the industrial revolution in investment management

Duration : 40 minutes, then questions & answers 20 minutes


 Pratical Information

Informations and registration to this webinar : 

You can add your favorite webinar session to your calendar:

-> Webinar November 14th, at 12pm

->or Webinar November 14th, at 6pm





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