INSPIRATION : Face periods of uncertainty with confidence

32 participants
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“One day I will go and live in theory, for in theory all goes well", Pierre Desproge reminds us

We may think we can control everything, but uncertainty is preponderant in our daily lives: crises, career changes, illness ... Uncertainty is complex and not rational, it causes imbalance and doubts. To reinvent ourselves and find meaning in a ceaselessly changing world, let’s not wish for an end to ordeals, for they are part of life. Join the EDHEC community on 21 June to gain experience with coaching tools and understand how uncertainty can improve your stability!

This EDHEC Zoom will be moderated by Martin Barbier and Nina Bataille to mark the release of Nina’s latest book, Des vertus de l'incertitude, trouver du sens et se réinventer dans un monde en pleine mutation, published by Eyrolles on 25 March.

This event will be held in English 



Martin Barbier (EDHEC 1988)

Executive Director EDHEC Alumni

Nina Bataille

Author of Des Vertus De L'incertitude - Trouver du sens et se réinventer dans un monde en pleine mutation. Coach, training instructor and conference speaker specialized in well-being in the workplace and family and the prevention of psycho-social risks.

Specialized in professional coaching (International MOZAIK) and systemic coaching (ORSC Program), her approach integrates the latest knowledge in neuroscience, non-violent communication and positive psychology.

Nina is passionate about teamwork and family relationships, which are as rich as they are complex. She offers a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on her knowledge in professional, systemic and family coaching.

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Diffusé sur : Alumni Summer Session 2024
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